When was the last circulating silver 1 peso coin?
The last circulating silver 1 peso coin was issued during the late 19th century in Mexico. These coins, featuring an eagle on the front, were gradually replaced by other forms of currency but remained a significant part of Mexico's numismatic history due to their widespread use and cultural significance.

What is a 1 peso silver coin?
I have come across a silver coin that is worth 1 peso. I am curious to know more about this coin - its origin, value, and significance. Is it rare or common? What era does it belong to? And what is its composition? I would appreciate any information on this 1 peso silver coin.

What is 1 peso?
I'm curious about the value or definition of 1 peso. Is it a currency? If so, how much is it worth compared to other currencies? Or does it have a specific meaning or use in a particular context?

How much does 1 peso get you?
I'm curious to know, could you please clarify for me - how much purchasing power does one peso have? Is it a significant amount in terms of daily necessities, or is it more of a token amount? It would be helpful to understand the context and real-world value of this currency. Thank you for your time.